Sydney | Melbourne | Brisbane | Perth | Adelaide | Canberra | Hobart | Darwin
If you’re looking for a training course to learn SEO (search engine optimisation) or Google Ads (AdWords) for your website, or perhaps to get more from your Google Analytics 4 reports, then use this section to find the dates and locations for the regular small group courses scheduled throughout Australia.
Now Available – 1 Hour Online Training Sessions for Google Ads – Find Out More
Most of the training courses provided by Web Training Workshop are in-house courses for individuals or small groups, with the subject coverage tailored to a particular business and market. However, due to the popularity of these courses, we also provide a number of group training courses throughout Australia that provide an introduction to the core techniques at a low price.
A fantastic course, was very impressed with the range that Clive covered and of his broad knowledge and understanding. I left today with a clear idea of what my organisation needs to do, and a relatively thorough understanding (for a one day course) of how to achieve our goals. Thank you! More testimonials…
These courses are usually for groups of between 3 and 10 people and are a perfect opportunity for you to learn the fundamentals of search engine marketing, from improving the SEO of your website, to running effective Google Ads campaigns, and tracking the success of your marketing with Google Analytics 4. Presented by Clive Hawkins, an experienced search engine marketing professional and trainer, the course content is pitched in a non-technical manner to hep you understand the marketing essentials for your website.
Find out more by choosing the location nearest to you and the dates for courses that are scheduled over the next few months. Alternatively, use the contact form on the pages to register your interest and be the first to receive details of each new course date once it has been set.
Sydney training courses & dates
Read about the course content and scheduled dates for SEO / Ads (AdWords) / Analytics training in Sydney:
Monthly courses provided through the University of Sydney’s Centre for Continuing Education
Melbourne training courses & dates
Read about the course content and scheduled dates for SEO / Ads (AdWords) / Analytics training in Melbourne:
Next dates, TBC 2025
Brisbane training courses & dates
Read about the course content and scheduled dates for SEO / Ads (AdWords) / Analytics courses in Brisbane:
Next dates, TBC 2025
Perth training courses & dates
Read about the course content and scheduled dates for SEO / Ads (AdWords) / Analytics training courses in Perth:
Next dates, TBC 2025
Adelaide training courses & dates
Read about the course content and scheduled dates for SEO / Ads (AdWords) / Analytics training in Adelaide:
Next dates, TBC 2025
Canberra training courses & dates
Read about the course content and scheduled dates for SEO / Ads (AdWords) / Analytics courses in Canberra:
Next dates, TBC 2025
Hobart training courses & dates
Read about the course content and scheduled dates for SEO / Ads (AdWords) / Analytics training in Hobart:
Next dates, TBC 2025
Darwin training courses & dates
Read about the course content and scheduled dates for SEO / Ads (AdWords) / Analytics courses in Darwin:
Next dates, TBC 2025
We will be posting dates for new courses as soon as they become available, either in the above cities or in new locations. To find out more about any of the above courses or to register for the next available dates, simply contact us now using the enquiry form on the appropriate location page.
Alternatively, please contact Clive Hawkins directly to discuss your needs by calling 0421 647317, or e-mailing him at